Our 16
channel color duplex multiplexer allows the viewing of up to 16 image sources
on one screen, while simultaneously recording full screen images on a VCR. It
has an array of features. Viewing options include full-screen, mutli-screen, or sequential switching with adjustable dwell
time. During VCR playback, full-screen and multi-screen viewing options are
available. It is uniquely programmable for recording between 2 – 999 hours. It
conveniently has a built-in time and date generator with an 8 character camera
title function. The video loss alert and alarm detection are structured as two
distinct sounds that feature an up to 100 record.
The best part is the RMX-16CD\’s compatibility with all
standard and time lapse VCRs. There is also a 4 channel B/W (RMX-4B), 4 channel
color (RMX-4C), and 9 channel
color (RMX-9CD) version available.