There are several personal characteristics needed to be a professional and successful locksmith.
Firstly the most significant quality is honesty and trustworthy character. By these two qualities you not only gain trust from your employer but also your clients always rely on you.
To be an excellent locksmith your personal performance is required and you need to concentrate on the safety point of view of the job.
You may also need to climb ladders or apply heavy forces so good health and endurance are also needed. Sometimes acrophobia (abnormal fear of heights) will apparently avert you from working as a locksmith.
You have to be a maths expert and also have an excellent mechanical capacity.
For working with small parts a good hand and eye harmony is essential.
Locksmiths are always working for public so politeness and good communication skill are necessary parts of locksmith job.
You should be capable of working in confined areas if you work with a mobile unit. Have a look at San Diego Locksmith Service